Strong Side D Breakout
The strong side D breakout is a more advanced breakout and is most effective in power play or low pressure situations. It begins much like the D to D breakout, but instead of the weak D starting in front of the net and reading the play to step out, the D automatically drops to the corner area near the goal line. The puck is moved from D to D behind the net. The now strong side wing will push up ice and begin to angle toward the far lane. The center will swing low and curl up ice to receive the pass from the corner D. The far side wing will angle up ice to the center lane.
The intention is for the center to hit what was the weak side wing and then move it up to the breaking winger that was the strong side wing. The center can also lane drive if they have the option.
Why this breakout works is because it moves the puck up ice quickly and allows for less players in the zone. Problems occur if there is too much pressure and not enough players in the zone, so communication and timing are critical so that not everyone is vacating too soon resulting in no passing options and greater chance of turnover.